- Motherboard : Gigabyte Z77 D3H
- CPU : Intel i7 3770
- Memory : DDR3 1600 32GB Kingstone (8G*4)
- Video : MSI GTX650PE
- SSD : Intel 330 120GB
- OS : 購自 Apple App Store - Apple OS X Mountain Lion
* 參考網址:http://www.metamuse.net/2012/09/2012-osx-1082-pc.html
* Boot Loader : Chameleon-2.1-r2069
參數: -v -x PCIRootUID=0
* 驅動程式 Kexts : 懶人包
1. run Kext Utilityy
<install Network for GA-Z77-D3H motherboard>
2. drag AtherosL1cEthernet.kext to Kext Utility window
<install Audio for GA-Z77-D3H motherboard>
3. run VoodooPatcher and wait...
4. run VoodooLoader Installer and wait ...
3. drag VoodooHDA.kext to Kext Utility window
4. drag appleHDADisabler.kext to Kext Utility window
<install nVidia GTX 650 driver>
5. download from AMD offical site